Having Fun With Crochet

Believe it or not, but having fun with crochet is a good way to save money. Not only does crochet keep you at home where you can’t spend money, but it’s fun and relaxing at the same time.

Crochet may seem like it’s a hobby of the past mainly associated with the older generations. However, it is becoming more popular among the younger generations as well, and you’d be surprised at some of the fun ideas that today’s crocheters have come up with.

Yarn Bombing: To yarn bomb something means to cover it with crochet. I’ve seen trees, fences and even bikes and cars covered in crochet. Not only can you yarn-bomb outside, but inside as well. It’s really neat on chairs, hall-way tables, lamps and staircases. It’s definitely an art that requires skill and patience depending on what you want to cover.

Depending on what you want to “yarn bomb”, yarn bombing might be a fun way to use up your yarn stash.

Costumes: With crochet you can easily crochet up your own costumes including Halloween costumes. There are also many fun and silly hat patterns online that you can crochet up and have fun with.

If you do an online search you’ll find many cartoon and video game character hats. Crocheting these hats yourself can actually help to save you a lot of money in the long run.

Not only can you crochet costumes for yourself and your children, but for your pets as well.

Fun Decorations: Crochet is a fun way to decorate your home especially during holidays and for other special occasions. Some easy and inexpensive ideas include banners, wreaths, ornaments, placemats and coasters, and rugs and door mats.

Do a search on patterns for the holiday that you want to decorate for and you’ll see a lot of results show up.

Colors: Crochet is a fun way to experiment with colors. Each brand of yarn has its own unique colors, which you can incorporate into any design. Stripes are generally easy to create, but you can also do more complicated designs like mandalas and mosaic designs.

Amigurumi: An amigurumi is a stuffed toy, however, it can also serve as a decoration or even as a learning tool. It makes for great dolls, teddies and other animals, as well as food items. Fruit and vegetabele amigurumi can be used for decorations as well as serve as a fun learning tool to help young children learn their fruits and veggies.

There are many other ways to have fun with crochet. Your imagination is the only limit.

For some ideas on how to celebrate with crochet, visit the following link for some fun ways to get together with friends and family and celebrate crochet: 7 Ways to Celebrate Crochet by Sara Duggan.

Another awesome piece of work by Sara is this coaster pattern:


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